A job interview in the hands of the wrong company is the most torturous thing a human being can endure.
Last week I received a call from Asinine Unlimited asking me to come in for an interview. I only applied for the job like six months ago! Six whole months ago! Only 180 days have passed since I actually applied for the job. But cicumstances being what they are, I accepted an invite to meet with the recruiter for an exciting new position within the company. Yeah, whatever that means...
I should have known it would all end badly when I couldn't find the building. The recruiter gave me the wrong address - or more specifically, the wrong building number. Because I'm such a paranoid freak, I decided it was my fault that I couldn't find the building and then proceeded to spend an hour trying to locate them. I checked both the west and the east sides of the street they were supposed to be on but it didn't work. I broke down and called Asinine Unlimited and explained what happened. The secretary gave me the right building number and I raced over there only to be fifteen minutes late. I was politely asked to wait for an hour and fifteen minutes as I had "missed my interview". So like an idiot, I agreed to wait and the whole time I'm seething because I know I didn't get the building number wrong so the recruiter must have made a mistake that has now botched things up. I should probably have checked their address online before I left, but hindsight is 20/20.
After an eternity, the recruiter comes out and invites me into the boardroom and to my surprise and barely-concealed shock, there's two other interviewers in there waiting for us. There should be some law or some rule or just some common courtesy that makes potential employers disclose the fact that you will be interviewed by three people instead of one. I'm informed that I will be interviewed by all three of them (no, really?) and then I will be required to do some tests. Tests? What tests? So they ask their questions and to be honest, I don't remember any of them or what I answered and then they slide over the three tests to be done while they are watching me. Are you freaking kidding me? I should have refused. I should have walked out. Instead I did their tests with shaking hands, while they did indeed watch me. I was then free to go home completely disillusioned and feeling tired and stupid. I don't expect them to be calling back and that's okay because who needs that kind of BS anyways?