"It is possible to be happy all of the time....."
That's what the fortune cookie said. Words of wisdom doled out with every lunch special advising that anyone who eats take-out for lunch must need some extra guidance. It never says anything like "Tonight's lotto numbers are...." or "The cook never washes his hands...". No, instead the cookie tells me that I can "be happy" and I get to be that way "all of the time". No instructions, no other truths revealed, just a completely pointless sentence in the middle of my day. It would have been better had it said:
"It is impossible to be happy all of the time...."
That simple turn of phrase becomes a challenge to it's new and unassuming owner (me). It advises that I must now put forth a reasonable amount of effort trying to prove the cookie wrong before giving up and giving in to that simple truth. But since the cookie says I can be happy all of the time, it's too much to decide until after lunch....it's best to eat slowly today.....